Online Virtual Bingo With Friends

Host a bingo game for up to 1000 players. Free Virtual Bingo Game. Host a Free Virtual Bingo Game every day with up to 25 players. You can try and learn how it works. Log in to your Bingo. Free Bingo Caller. Adequate Bingo is a wonderful game that creates a warm environment for family and friends to gather. Every member is given a chance to show off their skills and talent in the presence of others, and that is.

We’re all going through this trying time together right now. We’re relying on technology to communicate, so it’s important to be connected. We’ve been doing lots of virtual meet-ups, but just started virtual party games with friends and family last week. While we’re hosting online parties right now, it’s vital to make sure they’re FUN for everyone!

Virtual Party Games for You to Play

When it comes to meet-ups and parties, there’s ALWAYS games. It doesn’t matter if it’s a birthday party, anniversary party, graduation party – games a must. While everything has moved to online parties, we’ve got to rely on virtual party games. Games turn parties into a good time, whether it’s online or offline.

I know I’m writing this specifically for online parties, but if you’re looking for some virtual office party ideas for some virtual holiday party games or even for fun direct sales party games – these would be great, too!

What kinds of Virtual Party Games can you play? Well – in short? LOTS. In long? Before I list a bunch of virtual games out for you, I want to share with you some of my advice for hosting an online party that you’re going to be playing virtual party games at with people.

Online Parties: Pick a theme.

  1. This is one of the best new Bingo games around the world! Bingo at Home is the free bingo game that let’s you play exciting, live, online bingo against friends. Play bingo for a chance to collect board pieces and complete puzzles to earn free credits! Bingo at Home FEATURES - 100% FREE bingo.
  2. A virtual bingo night is a great way to bring friends together and that should be enough of an incentive. However, if you’re going up against frequent bingo players, you may need to incentivise them,.
  3. Bingo Multiplayer: Card & Board Casino Play bingo with all of your friends and if you are lucky, you win! It's time to play bingo together with all of your friends! Buy those bingo cards and while the balls roll.

When you’re hosting an online party, it’s important to have a theme. It can be very helpful while putting together ideas for the party in terms of decor behind you, what you’re wearing during it and what kinds of games you’re going to be playing during it.

Whether you’re planning a little kid’s birthday party or a celebratory graduation or even a girl’s night in, GAMES are fun with a theme. Maybe it’s an 80’s theme. Maybe it’s a Disney theme. Maybe it’s an animal theme. Whatever it is – have some fun thinking about what kinds of fun you can have with it.

Online Parties: Guest list.

Since you’re hosting everything online, you need to make sure you have a solid guest list for your party. When you’re going to be playing virtual party games, you also want to make sure you have a fun set of family and/or friends with you. This is key as can be because this can (I have to say it could make or break your party).

Your virtual party games will adjust to what kind of audience you have. If you’re hosting a kid party, the games will be on the easier side. If you’re hosting a party for adults, it could get really fun and daring. If you’re hosting a party with family and friends, the games should be very family-friendly oriented.

Online Parties: Virtual Party Games.

Virtual Bingo Game For Group

I’m excited to share with you some games that I’ve played online with family and friends throughout the last few weeks. I’ve also asked a few friends to see what kinds of games some of my friends have been playing, too. I just want to give you a solid “laundry” list of games that can be played.

Also – be creative – you can play many games that we all know and love online that we play at home. You just need to make sure whomever you’re playing with has that “designated” game, too.

Trivia Games – Have ONE person be the “Trivia” Guy or Girl and have questions for everyone. Answers are locked in via CHAT ROOM. What I love about a trivia game is that you can make this work for any age group.

Heads UP – This is a fun one to play! My advice? Download the game onto your phone and then play it with a large group. It’s chaos at its finest! We have loved playing this with cousins and even at night with some friends!

Secret Word Game – This is a fun one for all ages, too! Pick a secret word before your party begins and make sure all of your guests know what the word is before everything starts. Everyone then needs to be on “patrol”during the party, waiting to see if anyone uses it. The very first person to tell you each time gets a point, and the one who has the most points at the end of the party wins a prize.

20 Questions – Everyone has a chance at this one because all you need is to have a group of people that can ask questions. This is an old and fun game to play and the best part is that you can play with a large group. Great way for people to get to know each other better, too!

Pictionary – All you need is paper and a magic marker for this one! You just come up with something that you want to draw and have them guess away! I love this because (as you can see what I’m trying to do) is find games that work for all different ages here, too. Everything can be adulted up, too!

Door Prize Gaming – Everyone loves a prize! This is great for a larger group because each guest takes a number as they enter the chat room. Write down all the numbers and pop them in a bag or hat. Throughout the chat pull a number and the person whose name corresponds with the number pulled wins a prize.

Virtual Meeting Bingo

Alphabet Soup – We love playing this one with our families when we’re all on ZOOM! You start with the letter A and pick a category. Everyone goes around the “room” (but really party) all sharing what a word with the designated category and letter. This can get really fun, especially when you start seeing how fast you can go!

Make More Words – Take a BIG word and have each guest try to see how many words they can make from the letters. You can come up with a theme for this, too! Make sure you have a time limit to this party game. At the end of the time limit, have them tell you how many words they found. The guest who got the most words must type in their answers.

BINGO – This is an oldie, but a goodie! The best part is that this classic game can be played miles away from each other online! You just need to make sure one person doesn’t mind being the BINGO caller! This has always been a fun game for people of all ages!

Card’s Against Humanity – You need to make sure you have the right crowd for this one, although there is also a family-friendly version you can download online. You can do the online versionand have some fun with it, too. You can print it out for free, too!

There are more games you can have some fun with while coming up with virtual party games ideas, I hope these get you excited and ready for your next party! It’s time to make sure we all have some good times while we’re at home. Connecting is a fun way to feel “normal,” but it’s also a fun time to PLAY SOME GAMES, too!

Make sure you bookmark this post when you’re looking for virtual office party ideas and virtual holiday party games, even for fun direct sales party games! So much fun for all of these when it comes to virtual party games!

Still looking for some games you can play with your group while social distancing? This week we played Bingo, and it’s fairly simple.

You can do this many different ways. However it is easiest to use Zoom or Facebook live as long as you can share your screen.

Step 1 – Bingo Cards

Option 1: Printed or Online Cards

The first step was to find Bingo cards for everyone. makes this easy and free for up to 30 players. Click on the link that says 30 cards for free.

Once you do you’ll be given the option to download the cards in pdf. Instead, you can get an individual link for each card that can be texted or emailed.

The online cards actually allow you to play virtually and mark them as you play using your phone, tablet or computer.

Email or text the cards out to everyone playing. I would suggest doing this earlier in the day or the day before so that you can start

Option 2: Make Your Own

With a small group it might be easy to have everyone make their own cards. Post some instructions ahead of time on what the letters and numbers should be. It needs to be a 5×5 grid with Bingo in letters across the top. Then they choose 5 numbers under each letter from the following choices B 1-15, I 16-30, N 31-45, G 46-60, O 61-75.

Bingo Calling

Some of you may have a bingo set at your house. However, for the rest of us I found a great option. Go to This is a simple and absolutely free bingo caller program that automatically calls and displays called numbers. Everyone seeing the screen can hear and see each ball called.

Other options could include using a bingo cage you have at the church or at home. Or you could make slips of paper with the numbers on them and call out that way.

Video Set Up

Here is where you have a few options.

Option 1 – Cell Phone Video

The first option is to set your phone in front of your computer screen and broadcast to instagram live or Facebook live. Those who get a bingo could text you.

Option 2 – Zoom

A second option would be to use the screen share function of Zoom to share the bingo caller window with everyone. In addition, make sure and share the audio as well.

Option 3 – Zoom and Facebook Live

Finally you can use the screen share function of Zoom to then share on Facebook live. This is what the guys at stuffyoucanuse do with their trivia games.

It’s a little more intricate set up but it will allow many people to follow along. And you won’t have to worry about zoom invitations and so many people in one call.

I hope that this is helpful as we continue to all look for ways to engage our youth and church during the coronavirus lockdown. For more coronavirus resources please check out our Covid-19 Resource Page


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